Please answer some questions
As you may have heard, I am making a new comic. It won’t completely replace Zoe but I do want to focus on it as my main comic going forward (Zoe will probably drop to 1 pg a week). I am trying to make it the best comic I can, I need it to succeed. I want it to look as good as possible and eventually print it, but there are some questions that I think getting feedback will help me choose wisely…
I want it to update mult days a week. Color takes time, but looks nicer… If I colored it I definitely couldn’t handle more than 2 pages a week, in b/w I think I could do 3, maybe even 4.
I am on the fence about it being xrated. I want this to get a lot more readers than Zoe which seems to hit a wall at about 600-700 viewers a day. I can’t seem to grow beyond that. Shippon girls will do away with a lot of the taboo stuff (no incest or extreme sex) as well as do away with corny puns and big noses. Instead I am trying to remember back to the animes I watched in my teens and twenties and use that as a sort of base to build off of. Anime and manga are popular and hoping by inching my style a bit closer to that it will appeal to more people. I am considering making it publicly R rated (lots of nudity but no porn) and having porn in a gated version that would be like 2$ a month to access on Sponsus (I’d do it 1$ but honestly it is worthless to give someone 1$ because paypal takes 30cents plus 5% regardless of amount, plus sponsus takes another 5% so pre tax a 1$ donation nets a person 60 cents…) I think by not having porn but just anime style echhi stuff in the public comic it could be more popular as well as allows me to advertise the comic in many more places, being labeled porn immediately closes most doors.
Please answer the polls, I couldn’t make them separate questions without paying the poll widget so think of each set of 2 as a yes/no. So 1,2 3,4 5,6… you get it, you’re smart 😀
Answering will help me steer this in a direction that will hopefully retain all of your interest, want to get more popular not alienate you awesome folks. And please consider supporting my Kickstarter (once I can remember my password to log in and make it…)
[yop_poll id=”20″]
You know the poll only lets you pick one, right? I feel like this was intended as a multiple-box-checkin’ kinda poll.
Yeah I had hoped people would pick more, but it is broken. The poll widget only allows you a certain amount of polls before they strip features away unless you pay, and the other poll I have doesn’t seem to work anymore (just takes you to a never loading website).
I’m just hoping people will ignore the poll and come down to the comments and let me know what they think. I really want this comic to be a hit and time and money are working against me, I need something in the next couple months to succeed or else I need to start looking for a job, and with all the craziness out there between riots and people on both sides of the mask debate attacking people, I’d rather not go back to Walmart…
So I am taking the time to do this as right as I can as one big last hail mary. I hope to be posting pages in a month, pretty sure they will be in color and 2 times a week. I am currently doing concept work to send the 3D artist and doing pinups that will be Kickstarter rewards (really happy how the first 2 came out).
I’m prayin for ya 😀
you can chalk me up for nudity and funny being the most important.
Same. I’m up for nudity, fun (they go well together) and if there is some story behind it, go on 🙂 .
Hey, on your first question I would like to vote for everything except porn & color. While they are nice, I think if you get the rest, site viewers will come.
These girls have obviously never seen tenamonya voyagers.
Had to google it, not familiar with that anime. Honestly I haven’t really been too into anime since the early 2000s, think around 2007 I stopped watching it completely. Mostly for anime I was big into the stuff released here in America by ADV and Geneon from around 2002-2007 (when I got my first job and had a lot of disposable income in highschool and few years after). Also was really into 80s animes like Akira, Project Lily Cat, Iria, Plastic Little (definitely tonally that one has some inspiration), Battle Angel and a few others.
I lost interest in anime eventually because their characters were too paint by numbers and just no longer had 25$ to buy 4 episodes on DVD (pre streaming world problems).
Still look back fondly on the shows I was into when younger and definitely am pooling from my memory to help build the new comic.
#46 on TWC Whoo Hooo
That’s crazy. I think somebody out there is cheating somehow for me 😀 I don’t condone cheating, but still thanks for the help whoever is voting.