Loli Zoe
I am currently doing up a little fun oneshot for valentines for those that support me, and it got me thinking I know many have asked for loli, and have been commissioned to do some, so thought maybe this might be something people would like… If I did a small oneshot of Zoe and Abi each month in the VIP section would that get you interested enough to support the site? I am nearly out of money so pretty soon I need to either start making more on Sponsus or start looking for a day job, and I REALLY don’t want to go back to a dead end job. I was thinking that along with the bi weekly ILMB I could do a small monthly comic.
The comic wouldn’t follow a chronological order, instead being different fun things. The one I am working on right now is Abi having phonesex with her husband and Zoe walks in on her rubbing herself with a vibrator, She tries to explain it as nothing more than a vibrating toothbrush like Zoe’s. Abi thinks she is in the clear but finds Zoe in the bathroom trying to use the toothbrush on her “other smile”.
My thought is each month I could find some cute/funny little story to do that I couldn’t do on the public area of the site, both stories of Zoe but also stories of a young Abi and her relationship with Tommy and Allen. These would be mostly canon and fill in backstory in fun and sexy ways.
I am posting a poll please let me know if this is something you would support, and if it is a resounding yes then maybe head right on over (I hope to have the oneshot done this weekend, about 4 pgs I think). Click here to support
[yop_poll id=”23″]
Christ dude the banhammer is coming down on sex work across the internet and you in your infinite brain damage want to do loli like Zoe is already highly suspect that I am sure you are going to lose sponsus sooner or later but slamming your foot on the gas isn’t really necessary
From what I know sponsus doesn’t ban loli, and it won’t be on their site regardless. I will make a area of this site for it much like the Zoe VIP section.
I am trying to give people something of value and I know that I have had tons of requests to include some loli stuff so in my need to quickly double my income I thought it was the best way to add value to the sponsored exclusives. I know it isn’t for everyone and I wouldn’t consider it high on my personal niches (nothing tops pregnancy and pregnancy scares for me) but I don’t see the big issue either. Just want to give people what they want, for those that don’t want it, it is “quarantined” in its own little place that you don’t have to see.
Thanks for the concern though, It does suck getting banned and I hope Sponsus never takes issue with sexual content the way others have.
Yeah look you are moving to include more loli because it’s what you want to do.
That’s why Zoe looks and acts like she’s so young.
That’s why we got so much time with grandpa bad touch.
I’m not going to argue about whether or not it’s because you like that sort of thing or if you are doing it for mercenary reasons. But between your cavalier attitude and some of the comments from your readership it’s really creepy.
I dropped you during the grandpa arc and I shouldn’t have come back and I’m probably going to drop you again.
There’s a group of readers that you work with that really wants the loli stuff and in spite of what you said about it not appearing on the main it has in the past and I have no illusions about you keeping shit ‘quarantined’
I try to make the best comic I can, and I try to make my readers happy. I personally don’t see the issue with Loli and grew up with it all over mainstream anime as a kid, so maybe just desensitized to it, but if you have a moral objection to it that’s fine, this just isn’t the comic for you obviously.
I find stories of awkward first experiences and fumbling through sex interesting. This has always been a coming of age story, but the reality is no ones story starts at 18, these little oneshots will allow me to flesh out her motivations and inner workings.
In this first one a light is shined on why Zoe grew up to be an exhibitionist (Doesn’t want to hide her smile from the world).
It is perfectly fine if you don’t want to see that, if its existence even quarantined away still enrages you then I suggest just going elsewhere as there are 10s of thousands of struggling webcomics that would greatly appreciate your patronage.
There is a place for coming of age first time fumbling stories but your narrative work is so bad and a number of the comments are so aggressively gross that it just comes out creepy when you do insert that sort of stuff it doesn’t work.
I mean no one needs to see an elementary student with a toothbrush up her to flesh out her ‘motivations and inner workings’.
And I mean yeah fuck you too asshole have fun going back to Walmart.
I wonder if Patreon really watches what gets put out. I know that Banana Cream Cake does Patreon and their material is at least a kinky as Zoe (incest, futa, orgies, lesbians, etc).
They do, but it is inconsistent and I think they turn a blind eye to people that make a bunch of money because they get 5%, I was getting 180$ at the peak.
They mostly only even bother because they got to show paypal that they enforce it. That’s what worries me, Sponsus is trying to get paypal to accept them and I fear if they do they will be far less friendly with xrated content.
I’d be on board. As far exclusive content goes it’s good option since it won’t be in the main comic is different from what is happening in the comic. As for banning. I doubt you will get banned if you keep on this site and use sponsus to put out passwords, plenty of people do that on patreon. Not to mention it’s locked behind the highest tier so people who aren’t into that wouldn’t even come see it unless they put in extra money to do it.
Yeah am considering making it its own tier (maybe 8$) that includes the other stuff but those that want to support but don’t feel comfortable don’t have to have that as part of their transaction in the existing tiers.
Should have it up later tonight. Finished the first 4 pg comic and am working on making the site somewhat presentable atm.