Into the new year
First the 12 Days of Christmas posts are back in the Flashback VIP, there is also tons of other pages and comics there to enjoy.
Starting New Years day a new version of the Zoe comic will be updating in the Flashback. I am gunna treat it as its own canon and some things will change. At the start it will be heavily focused on a young Abi working to care for Zoe by working as both a camgirl and escort. Through the first few arcs it will show Zoe start to grow more and more interested in sex and Abi “educating” her about it. I’m gunna try to find a sexy and interesting way to cover pretty much Zoe’s entire life and really show her relationship with both her family and Damien early on. She won’t be using the vampire persona yet, that comes much later for her but she will still have a love for horror films.
The first arc will be Abi letting Zoe watch her with 2 customers after the school fails to give her any useful information in sex ed. It will be quite a while before any sex acts happen with Zoe, slowly over years of comics most likely, but in little ways she will get more and more involved as she learns from her mom.
I am working hard to make this be a comic that rivals if not exceeds the main comic and hope you’ll all support it through either Sponsus or Paypal so I can continue to make comics into the new year and beyond. If I get enough support I want to see about increasing it to 2 pages a week but that depends on how much support it gathers.
So if this new Zoe comic sounds like something you want to see, please consider supporting the site, I know I am coming off a bit desperate, and that is because I am desperate. I survived 2021 because of the support of a few mega supporters, and the largest one I don’t believe will be able to continue with the supporting, nor do I want to burden him or anyone else with that level of support. So am trying to find a way to get a larger pool of support that isn’t as burdensome on people’s wallet. I need about 200$ more a month than currently am making to make ends meat or else I will need to find a job and that will destroy any free time I have for the site and making my dream come true to be my own boss and make comics for people.
If this comic sounds like something you want to see please support me either on SPonsus at Flashback tier or with the paypal subscription button that is on the top right of the comic area.
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