Pardon misspellings I’m writing on my phone.
No page this week because I am in the hospital. Tldr version, yesterday morning went in for bloodwork and my hemoglobin was 3.8. Normal is 15ish. 10 requires a blood transfusion 6.5 is life threatening, so when my 3.8 came in they sent me to er. Had 5-6 blood transfusions and finally into a safe zone.
So long version. I have a blood disorder called G6pd, it makes me yellow but what it is doing is destroying my red blood cells. I became hemolytic. My hemoglobin counts were so low it left me unable to barely walk or breath. This started a few weeks back, gradually getting worse.
Why? Still dont know. Nor do the doctors. My guess is becoming diabetic, as my blood sugar has averaged low 300s even fasting. They’ve been giving me insulin shots trying to control that but think the 2 things are reacting against eachother.
No word on if I get released tomorrow now that I finally am stable over 7. Hopefully. Thankfully got insurance last month but worry how much it will cover… when home will update and try to draw a vdsd drawing, but no posts this week.
Been at hospital since Tuesday afternoon. Doctor says I should be able to leave tomorrow as long as the ultrasound on my leg goes well, swollen a bit and they want to make sure no blood clot. Hopeful can get out of here. Sounds like I wont have many answers for weeks. Got to see a blood doctor as an outpatient when finally get out of the hospital.
Minus that I feel much better. Finally was allowed out of bed and can walk the halls. Walked in a circle for an hour today in an abandoned waiting room (covid shut it down) was nice to have peace and quiet for a bit as am in a room with an old guy with dementia that keeps getting confused why he cant move. He is constantly calling nurses and feel bad for both him and the nurses for how much of a chore he is. I just stay in my corner and try not to give them any more work. Thank god for FXX and nonstop old fox cartoons to keep me distracted. Tried reading, but too many distracting noises for that.
So if everything goes well I should be able to get back to drawing Sunday and still manage something for VDSD. Thanks for the well wishes everybody