I am currently doing up a little fun oneshot for valentines for those that support me, and it got me thinking I know many have asked for loli, and have been commissioned to do some, so thought maybe this might be something people would like… If I did a small oneshot of Zoe and Abi each month in the VIP section would that get you interested enough to support the site? I am nearly out of money so pretty soon I need to either start making more on Sponsus or start looking for a day job, and I REALLY don’t want to go back to a dead end job. I was thinking that along with the bi weekly ILMB I could do a small monthly comic.

The comic wouldn’t follow a chronological order, instead being different fun things. The one I am working on right now is Abi having phonesex with her husband and Zoe walks in on her rubbing herself with a vibrator, She tries to explain it as nothing more than a vibrating toothbrush like Zoe’s. Abi thinks she is in the clear but finds Zoe in the bathroom trying to use the toothbrush on her “other smile”.

My thought is each month I could find some cute/funny little story to do that I couldn’t do on the public area of the site, both stories of Zoe but also stories of a young Abi and her relationship with Tommy and Allen. These would be mostly canon and fill in backstory in fun and sexy ways.

I am posting a poll please let me know if this is something you would support, and if it is a resounding yes then maybe head right on over (I hope to have the oneshot done this weekend, about 4 pgs I think). Click here to support

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