My dentist appointment is August 4th (not sure if they will pull the teeth the same day though). This is looking to cost me about 1200$ and as most of you are aware, I am not working a regular job and instead clinging to the hope that I can turn drawing these comics into my source of income. I don’t want to go the crowdfunding route and instead am trying to convince you, my valued audience, to support me by buying commissions.
I try to offer a lot of value, and think I might have one of the best values out there. 50$ gets you a page and every 25$ past that adds an additional page. Unlike other artists that limit things to “1 character” etc I do a full page as complex as it needs to be to bring to life what you want to see. As you can see in the little previews (also you can check out the Jordan one shots on the homepage) I strive to make the pages as good as I can and are comparable in quality to my normal comic pages.
By commissioning me you get a tailor made page of what you want to see as well as a months access to the VIPXXL section where you can see all of the other commissions and regular updates with new pages (generally have been spending the weekends on commissioned stuff after doing all the pages I need to do each week during the weekdays). I currently have 3 commissions I am working on over the next 3 weeks and 2 more that am still waiting on the commissioner to get in contact and let me know what they’d like to see. But could definitely use more commissions (as said this dental visit is going to be quite pricey). If 5o$ is too much there is also 25$ for a quicker drawing (looks more like a colored sketch), or you can give 25$ 2 months in a row to add up to a commissioned page (and still get the VIPXLL access).
If you like my drawings and have the spare money to help out (I know many don’t and please don’t feel obligated to help me, make sure you have food on your own table before considering helping me out). But if you do have extra money and want to get a drawing made to your specifications, please consider commissioning me. I work hard to make every commission special.
You can commission me directly on Kofi, or if you really want to help out consider setting up a recurring payment on Kofi of 25$+ for continued access to the VIPXXL section and monthly commissions.
Or if this is too pricey but still want to help, there is always my sponsus. For 5$ a month you get access to the exclusive I Love My Bully comic.