For any that are sponsus supporters and liked the Daisy story arc, A new commission comic for the next few months will involve Abi/Daisy/Damien together, in full color. Should have the first page done tomorrow so be sure to check it out in the Flashback section and thank the commissioner (can’t remember if he wants to be named, so will keep it anon unless he okays it)

If you want to support me please consider joining Sponsus. I had to remove the paypal button because their terms of service allowed them to search any site linked to them and didn’t want to get banned from paypal the way I’ve been by Patreon and Ko-Fi… Sponsus though, that guy is cool with things. He made it specifically for those that were banned from Patreon in the porn purges. Sponsus isn’t doing well and might go under because it isn’t widely used, so if you know other creators that need a platform and been banned elsewhere maybe spread the word.