Zoe the Vampire 4
That’s it. Zoe is no longer a virgin. This arc ended up far bigger than I originally intended (also far more sex as the original was going to have Damien come and cockblock Zoe getting eaten out and then end with them discussing it and Zoe’s eagerness to try things, Think it was the right move to go this route instead). Next chapter is already well underway, I am finishing up page 12 and I expect it to be even larger than this chapter (likely at least 50 pages).
Also MERRY CHRISTMAS! If Zoe getting a creampie isn’t Christmas gift enough I also have made ch3 of the Gravity Falls comic freely available on the homepage https://yellowgerbilcomics.com/comic/gravity-falls-porn-parody-ch3/ so check it and the older chapters out if haven’t already.
That’s odd, I could have sworn I already commented on this page… But now it’s gone? Strange indeed.
Not going to try and re-write everything I had, but basically I was giggling about how that’s happened to so many girls and where it’s going to lead to Zoe having to start planning her encounters a bit better. Even if most of us get to this point by starting dressed and going sort of in steps…
Oh well. Moving on now!
But very well done YG!
Yeah this isn’t the same post, it is a pain to reorder on here so easier to just delete the old so it would be cronological rather than trying to edit the time and whatnot. Hopefully this is the final draft and any comments from here out will be saved. That is also why I will be editing this with page additions for the arc instead of actually posting them new and merging later (that too would lose all the comments), so instead it will be one long confusing mess of comments that accumulate here
A new reboot? I liked the last two versions, I’m sure this will be just as good if not better, gotta follow this with great interest… Also let me try to gest, this world has an issue with low birth rates so that’s why sex and pregnancies are encouraged
Correct. Also explains why they cum so much
Cool, that’s a nice world to live in to be honest, if there is an issue with low birth rates could mean that there is less population, the sex encouragement is the cherry on top
OKay, this is going to take some getting used too… New pages, but not really, just continuous scroll down kind of thing? Well, I’ll work with it..
While I hav already stated, it’s not unusual for a young lady to be left… Errr, Un-satisfied, with early encounters. Often having to take care of it themselves once they were alone… In this world, naturally Zoe thinks, “Hey, I’m horny, let’s see if I can get Mom to help with it!” LOL! Yep, only in this universe is that a straight up thought. Zoe’s face in the last panel does make one think of being able to help her out though, don’t it?
Yeah it is frustrating not having comments for particular pages, but navigating my site has been something people have complained about for years, and without the ability to make one custom this seems the best way to at least make the site a bit easier to get where you want.
And yeah Zoe doesn’t know the meaning of the word Taboo
So, we’re into the ‘next’ page and I have a question… Is that a ‘wire’ running into Mom’s tights? As in, is she playing online and it’s more interactive than it looks? That might also explain her expressions… Hmmm… Inquiring minds and all that would be looking for some explanations and of course, already anticipating the next ‘page’.
Supposed to be the wire and controller for a one of those pill vibrator things
Can’t remember my original Gravitar stuff…
Well, Still a long time follower and rare Commenter (just my way as usual) but letting you know I’m still sticking with you YG.
Never had trouble navigating myself but I’ll adapt to this new way of reading.
Hope all is going well and in regards to posting more often – don’t push yourself too hard – Quality and Passion are far more important than Quantity and Speed.
Much Love Bud!
thanks for sticking with the comic
Hmm… OKay, probably picking nits here… But in such a ‘sex positive’ world as Zoe lives in, wouldn’t her basic anatomy be well known? Just saying. On top of that, one does not NEED to have something inside for it to get you off. Zoe should be more than versed (by now) in masturbation and a vibrating toy applied to the clitoris should more than do it for her! Of course, I know some women that prefer serious rumble (think 6.5 on the richter scale) to soft and gentle. But that’s a personal preference thing that she’s got to work out for herself, hmm? Right, nit picked, I now return you to your regularly scheduled comic.
Just to clear something up… I’m not saying that all girls everywhere know their bodies well, when I was in Jr. High, I taught my best friend how to use tampons, as she had ‘No Idea’ how to use them. Lord, that was a bit of a ridiculousness! So yes, I’m sure there are girls that have no idea what’s between their legs. My comment was simply about Zoe, in Zoe’s world…
Zoe’s info mostly has come from porn and hentai, so a lot of it is wrong info.
Aaannnddd… Modern technology to the rescue! Mom, taking pictures! Of Zoe, spreading herself so as to show her vagina… To herself! Just the thought is goofy enough to make one shake ones head in uh.. wonder? Should be quite an interesting moment or three for Abi’s little girl… Hmm?
This version of Abi seems less adventurous. But that’s ok. :3
Question: are you aware each new post is tacked on to older posts, starting with the one on May 17, 2024?
The post is getting longer and longer.
Yeah, people didn’t like the old format and wordpress is limited in what I can do, so this was the best I could do to make the site simpler to read. Now each arc is a single post and I update it with new pages. Updating 2 times a week now. Tues and Thurs night at midnight. I am looking into a new site using a free comic site thing, but so far it isn’t really offering what I need either so probably won’t bother with it. I was hoping for something like a gallery for each comic that could just be cycled through and still allow comments on individual pages, but to get something like that I think I’d have to hire someone and the site doesn’t get near enough traffic for hiring someone to make a custom site for it… So till I come up with something better this will have to do. Sorry for any confusion it has caused. I know some people check using an RSS and doubt that alerts people when a post is edited. Part of why I posted on Twitter and Baraag today to remind people the site exists
“Ezekiel cried dem dry bones, now hear the word of the Lord…”
ROFL! Okay, sorry, I’m just trying to picture (pardon the pun) my mother bending me over to take snaps of my fanny! Oh Lord, the absurdity of it all, played straight the way you did it is absolutely a hoot and a half friend YG! Thanks for that, really I mean it. On the serious side, how old is she now and not aware of her own anatomy? I’m pretty sure she wasn’t raised in a ‘strict’ environment… LOL, what with Mom doing the naughty-naughty around her all the time (that’s still going on isn’t it?). Never mind for now, great new update and thanks for the laugh!
She has a basic understanding of her anatomy, but not seen it so has some wrong ideas. Some inspiration definitely came from an old episode of Orange is the New Black before that show became completely unwatchable (in an episode only the Trans character really understood the anatomy of the vagina and most the female prisoners didn’t realize they had a separate hole for peeing). So the idea that Zoe mistakens the hymen for some impenetrable wall seemed fitting, plus is a direct answer to those people that always bitch because I draw hymens the way I do
ROFLMAO! “I’m too clumsy to do it myself” Oh, Im sorry… I just… Oh dang YG you should warn people before you drop a line like that! Seriously, in all my life, I’ve never met a girl that couldn’t find their own crotch (really, you know we use the toilet more than we have sex – usually – so we all know how to reach between our legs…) Zoe is being sooo bad… and Abi seems to be letting herself be ‘lead’ by her daughter. But that reasoning, it just made that line a perfect trigger to the giggles. Thanks YG!
Well she is saying she’d break her hymen if she tried, whether that is true or she is trying to coax her mom into playing with her I’ll leave up to interpretation
And we’re back to… Uh… Yeah. So, Zoe obviously uses pads huh? I mean there is no way she can use tampons if her hymen is that complete/closed? Proof is in the ‘pencil eraser’ don’t have room… Uh… Okay. And the solution to this? LOL! Mom deciding that the only way to make up for it is to have sex with her daughter! Oh such an odd world they live in huh?
The thinking was she doesn’t want to disappoint, Zoe gets her giver mentality from her mom I guess. After getting her hopes up with some penetration she feels this is the best course to still get Zoe off, plus there might just be some interest from Abi that she doesn’t want to admit, and this gives her an excuse that allows some denial
Annnddd… Yep, it’s started, as soon as someone else’s tongue touches yours, especially inside your mouth… It’s on! And since everyone is so well dressed for the occasion, there is incredibly rapid (I know, there’s time compression in comics or one entire page would be a single kiss) progression through ‘The Bases’ as it were, seems someone is (using the same metaphor) stealing third and may be trying to head for the home-run! This, should prove… Interesting…
Uh, Zoe dear… On latest page don’t you mean ‘back inside’… Just to be fully accurate. Yeah, never mind. Still amazed at Zoe’s reaction to girl parts, which she should basically be familiar with from herself (she does masturbate right?). Then again, I’ve never checked out my mom that closely before so I couldn’t say. Lately, she’s really got the pedal to the metal here, I mean she’s gone from ‘at bat’ to ‘third base’ completely skipping the others! LOL! Someone drop a penalty flag or something on that play… Sorry, just had to mix my metaphors for that one. Still cute. Keep up the good work YG!
And another page… With Zoe asking if she can go down on Mom now? Well, that’s a new(er) one huh? Have to admit, this family has err… Issues… But I think it’s an interesting and sometimes a a bit giggly when it come to those issues… Keep up the good work YG!
Its been a fun one to draw, been working a lot at getting better vaginas and there has been a lot of opportunity for practice in this arc
Oh my… Zoe’s going down… For the first time (in this version, right?) and it’s on her Mom!? She’s getting more aroused because she’s got time to have it happen, the emotions, the feelings, the sights, the smells (pheromones work when you give them time)… Oh yeah, and now, the tastes… Hopefully, she remembers and spends the time needed to make sure someone has an O-Yeah time! LOL!
Ahhh yes… that first time… I remember mine… Loved every second of it! LOL! But that’s another thing. The high anticipation factor for Zoe and apparently Mom as well is something to behold… Just wait until it’s Zoe’s turn to receive and someone with experience shows her how… Oh yeah, done right getting face can be a religious experience! LOL! Now, ladies, here’s hoping you both get a peek at God… ;P
And judging from Mom’s reactions, and the way she’s opening herself up in this page… Zoe is a natural when it comes to cunnilingus! So few of those exist, but when you find one… Oh La La! Such a good time to be had!
I joke sometimes that Zoe’s super power is no one can resist her, but she also is a giver, so definitely a good time for those that get caught by her vampire seduction
LOL! And now that he’s awake… and thinking something is wrong since he’s never heard that ‘release’ cry before… Will the pair of ladies inspire some serious bonerism? Will he ‘dive in’ to help? Will he be the victim of a pair of lusty women giving him the ‘experience’ and the ‘discovery’ at the same time? Will he have any fluids left in him when it’s over? Time will tell hmm?
Been getting weird page error as of late
Sorry the sites been giving you issues, I know sometimes the host goes down for maintenance
ROFLMAO!! Sorry, but that’s just got me really good… Zoe, wants to ‘cum’ like her Mom did, and Mom is pretty sure it’s not so much but… Still she’s game, even if she is going to have to replace the bed when they’re done! Nice punchline there YG! Thanks for the laugh!
glad you liked it
The look on her Mom’s face when she sees Damien’s cock XD. You can almost see her ovaries throbbing through her skin. So nice of her to volunteer to help him out. Hope he’s got enough in the tank for a huge load for each of them.
Why do I see a small ’tilt’ hidden in that boys eyes? LOL! Now, if only he can avoid losing control and give the young lady (and her mom) what she wants… Hmmm?
Hmm indeed
“From the floor to the roof”? LOL! It’s not painting a damn fence! LOL! There are so many subtle things to do down there with a fully functional mouth… Licking in an up and down motion is not the best choice! Trust me, I know! LOL! Still, who the hell gets a Mom, to help teach a guy, how to do her daughter? Indeed!
Well the logic was to tell him to make sure he gives some love to all of her, subtle technique will come in time but right now she is just trying to make sure her daughter has the best first time possible and that Damien doesn’t just shove it in without foreplay. Glad you are liking it, upping the comic to 2 pages because I too have enjoyed drawing it so my 3pg buffer grew to something like 7 pages
Lick the alphabet.
Okay guys, Damien’s about to take Zoe’s virginity, reboot time!
Now to stick with this and, as you said, NOT reboot again.
Just going to put it out there: I’m actually looking more forward to tomorrow when Abigail has her turn with Damien.
I’m still trying to figure out the next day but there is a good chance for another character to get a turn too
I like where this is heading…
Zoe has now lost her virginity but fortunately she still has the box it came in.
Seriously… No matter how ‘big’ the boy is, that first time is always a bit uncomfortable, there’s all that internal stuff that has never had something like this happen to it before. Really, that’s where some of the pain always comes from. He should just kind of wait, stand by, let her get accustomed to it, then slowly start moving again. Unfortunately, most boys their first time, try to go at 60,000rpm and finish way before she can get ‘comfortable’ and really start to enjoy it…
Just saying…
Then again, she’s all the way to womanhood now, by any metric you want to use. Cool, huh?
Spot on. Damien was definitely “balls deep” in that last panel. He must’ve had pushed her uterus into her throat with that initial thrust. That said, we know how badly Zoe has wanted this. Her mom had to throw in the towel for the moment after seeing that horsecock of his completely disappear in her daughter. Pausing was absolutely the right thing to do regardless of how badly we want to see Damien’s babymaker paint her insides white.
appreciate the rare flaccid bj
Going good Bud, don’t stress if the pace starts to get to you though (I know what you are like after all this time).
Well I am only doing this because my buffer is something like 7 pages, so as long as I can get 1 a week I won’t be through the buffer till the end of the year.
Mom got open for the idea of Zoe and her very fast.
Is this a world where incest isnt uncommon and accepted or are both just very open?
It is more accepted, but still a bit taboo.
I like where Abigail’s mind is wandering.
The cumshot in Abbie’s mouth and face was great. Hope we get more large amounts like that here and the other comics
Just wait till the finale
And next, Mrs. O’Byrne rims Damien.
Oh yes… get a nice steady rythem going and don’t forget… I remember reading once… Use the song ‘Slow Ride’ and keep time with it! LOL! Good luck with that!
Don’t worry Zoe, I’ve been told that even if you’re loud… They like it when you are… Even biting them sometimes… Besides, this seems to be going… All Good for you!
Cuming from penetration… Such a rare and special thing!